Seoul Grand Park Seoul Grand Park

Frequently Used Menu


Seoul Zoo

Botanical Garden

Forest recreation

Grand Park ALL Issues

Grand Park

Baseball Park

Operating hours
Operating hours
Location Operating hours
March ~ October November ~ February
General information center 08:50 ~ 19:50 09:00 ~ 16:50
1st bus stop (in front of Seoul Zoo) 09:00 ~ 10 minutes after the zoo closes
2nd bus stop (Seoul land) 09:00 ~ 15 minutes after the zoo closes
  • Operating hours may change depending on the circumstances of the Zoo and Seoul Land.
  • Elephant train wheelchair lift (Operation information)
    - Operating hours: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (No boarding outside of operating hours)
    (Operation will be suspended in bad weather due to rain, heavy snow, or strong winds.)
    - Electric wheelchairs are not available (Wheelchair lift over maximum allowable load and not allowed on board for safety reasons
Usage fee
  • The usage fee is a one-way fare, and round-trip tickets can be purchased at the Information Center, Seoul zoo and Seoul land.
Usage fee
Category Adult
(Over 19 years old)
(13 ~ 18 years old)
(Over 36 months ~ 12 years old)
Price 2,000 won 1,500 won 1,500 won
  • As the Elephant Train is a derelict facility, senior citizens, disabled people, and men of national merit must pay to board
  • When children under 36 months use as a group (daycare centers, kindergartens, etc.), they must pay to board.
Guide for passengers
  • The Elephant Train has very narrow entrance doors.
    As large strollers may not be fit on board, it is recommended to rent one at Stroller Rental Office in the Zoo and Seoul Land.
    • Zoo Stroller Rental Office T.02-500-7193
    • Seould Land Stroller Rental Office T.02-509-6446
  • For a group of 100 or more visitors, please contact us in advance.
    • Elephant Train Office T.02-3418-0996

Find out more about Elephant Train

Circulation Bus Operation Route

General Information Center - Station 1 Seoul Zoo (Botanical Garden, Forest Therapy), Theme Garden (Rose Garden, Children's Zoo) National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art, Seoul Grand Park Camping Site - Station 2 Seoul Land - Genaral Information Center

Drag your mouth to see the map!

Elephant TrainTake

Interval Time About 5 minutes (Time varies
depending on the number
of passengers.)
Passenger Capacity 96 (the count based on adults)
Operation Method Circulation