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A Shortcut to the Annual Education Schedule for Ecological Education of Seoul Zoo for Future Generation

We aim to become an educational base of ecological environmental conservation by running an experiential education program to deliver environmental preservation message with our unique resources, by nurturing civilian experts, and by encouraging citizen participation such as ecological conservation volunteer service and career experience.

수의학 전문 진로 탐색 교육


Ecological conservation education per stages of life cycle

The seoul zoo provides tailored education courses for all age groups from infants to adults, and career training in professional fields such as our wild animal breeding management and veterinary medicine.

From infants to elementary school students, we will serve them to explore the nature and take care of the wild animals.

In Seoul zoo, teenagers are given various opportunities to explore career in zoo professional areas such as 1) environmental conservation volunteer activities, 2) veterinary hospital visits, 3) wildlife breeding and nutrition.

For adult and seniors, we provide a special education program of animal ecology and environmental conservation to train them as the civilian zoo education specialist and practitioner.


Exploring zoos with family and animal commentator

The commentary education program tells the importance of animal welfare, their life and environmental conservation by animal commentators trained at zoos. It also an opportunity for the whole family to learn and experience together.

We will travel from the main gate to the innermost area of the zoo, providing the commentary on the importance of animal ecology, ecosystem balance and environmental conservation.

It is an education that can be accessed to the zoo's work such as zoo history, behavior enrichment, positive reinforcement training, and conservation activities.

동물뼈를 들고 아이에게 설명해주는 해설사
세계 환경의 날, 환경문제에 관심을 가질 수 있는 캠페인 교육행사


Sustainable Environmental Education Practiced by Citizen Participation

We organize special education events to address domestic and overseas environmental issues and educate citizens to bring awareness for environment preservation and proactive practices.

Introduction of eco-friendly renewal animal cage, Campaign training events on international environmental anniversary days such as world environment day, animal day are fun play education program. Anyone can participate in the program will engage in missions and games.