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Endangered Animals Native to Korea

Seoul Zoo makes an effort to protect and conserve critically endangered animals and their natural habits. Seoul Zoo has pledged to take part in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora to protect critically endangered wild animals while conducting various conservation and research activities. Of which, Seoul Zoo introduces endangered wild animals native to Korea.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species od Wild Fauna and Flora

  • CITES I Endangered fauna and flora in the world
  • CITES II Endangered fauna and flora
  • CITES III Fauna and flora designated as the Protected Fauna and Flora by the authority
01 Asian Black Bear(Ursus thibetanus)
  • EnglishAsian black Bear
  • Distribution areaEndemic in southern and eastern Asia
  • Animal feedOmnivorous (Roots, seeds, fruits, insects, small animals)
  • Animal HouseBear Enclosure
  • Natural Monument No . 329
멸종위기동물 반달가슴곰 사진
02 long-tailed goral(long-tailed goral)
  • English namelong-tailed goral
  • Distribution areaEndemic in western Europe, Siberia, Korean Peninsula,
  • Animal feedHerbivorous (Grass, fruits, leaves)
  • Animal HouseKorean Native Forest Wildlife
  • Natural Monument No. 217
멸종위기동물 노랑목도리담비 사진
03 Yellow-throated Marten(Martes flavigula)
  • English nameYellow-throated Marten
  • Distribution areaEndemic in Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Rodents, bird’s eggs, frogs)
  • Animal HouseKorean Native Forest Wildlife
멸종위기동물 노랑목도리담비 사진
04 European Lynx(Lynx lynx)
  • English nameEuropian Lynx
  • Distribution areaEndemic in Korea, Western Europe, Siberia, Central Asia
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Rodents, rabbits, deer)
  • Animal HouseKorean Native Forest Wildlife
멸종위기동물 스라소니 사진
05 Eurasian River Otter(Lutra lutra)
  • English nameEurasian River Otter
  • Distribution areaEndemic in Europe, Asia, Africa
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Fish, ducks, frogs, lobsters, rodents, snakes)
  • Animal HouseCarnivore Enclosure
  • Natural Monument No. 330
멸종위기동물 수달 사진
06 Leopard(Panthera pardus)
  • English nameLeopard
  • Distribution areaEndemic in Korea, China, Siberia, Africa, Europe
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Antelopes, deer, birds, reptiles, monkeys)
  • Animal HouseCarnivore Enclosure
멸종위기동물 표범 사진
07 Siberian Tiger(Panthera tigris altaica)
  • English nameSiberian Tiger
  • Distribution areaEndemic in Amur region in Russia, northeastern China,North Korea
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Boars, deer, antelopes)
  • Animal HouseCarnivore Enclosure
멸종위기동물 시베리아 호랑이 사진
08 Himalayan Wolf (Canis lupus chanco)
  • English nameHymalayan Wolf
  • Distribution areaEndemic is Korea, China, Siberia
  • Animal feedCarnivorous (Deer, rabbits, cattle, cows)
  • Animal HouseThe Wolf & Fox Enclosure
멸종위기동물 늑대 사진