Seoul Grand Park Seoul Grand Park

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Seoul Zoo

Botanical Garden

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Grand Park

Baseball Park

Start the Tour at the Main Entrance of Seoul Zoo

Drag your mouse to see the map.

1. General Information Center → 2. Ride Sky Lift → 3. Sky Lift Final Stop → 4. Carnivore Enclosure → 5. Bear Enclosure → 6. Deer Enclosure → 7. South American Pavilion→ 8. Birds of Prey Enclosure → 9. Marine Pavilion → 10. Stork Village → 11. Oriental Pavilion → 12. Lesser Panda Enclosure → 13. 3rd African Pavilion → 14. Ape Pavilion → 15. 2nd African Pavilion → 16. 1st African Pavilion → 17. Insectarium → 18. Australian Pavilion → 19. Flamingo Pavilion → 20. Main Entrance of Zoo

Course in Operation

종합안내소 - 스카이 리프트 - 맹수사 - 곰사 - 사슴사 - 남미관 - 맹금사 - 가금사 - 해양관(제돌이 이야기관) - 황새마을 - 동양관 - 렛서팬더관- 제3아프리카관 - 유인원관 - 제2아프리카관 - 제1아프리카관 - 곤충관 - 호주관 - 홍학사 - 동물원정문