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2nd African Pavilion

The hippopotamus and gentle herbivorous animals

The semi-aquatic animal with a large, round body is an endangered species around the world. The 2nd African Pavilion is home to the pygmy hippopotamus with a smaller body; the Barbary sheep and Doll sheep sporting a stunning horn, which are native to the rock cliffs and very agile at jumping and climbing; the Arabian or white oryx with a long straight horn, which can grow as long as 1 meter; the burrowing mongoose called “meerkat,” and various lively gazelles found in African desserts.

The 2nd African Pavilion comprises of exhibition hall, pool, sleeping quarter and birthing room. The open field includes a pool and a swamp. Apart from hippos, gazelles freely roam around the field, making the scene an almost realistic African savannah. The artificially created rock cliff for the wellbeing of the Barbary sheep and the exhibition hall designed for visitors to experience the natural animal habitat make the 2nd African Pavilion an attractive destination.

#Meerkat #Hippo #Pygmy Hippo #White Oryx #Doll Sheep #Barbary Sheep

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2nd African Pavilion