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Large Waterfowl Aviary

Be free in the sky and above the water

At Large Waterfowl Aviary, visitors can meet with a wide range of birds, migratory and non-migratory. Featured birds include: the pink-backed pelican, the large amphibian bird that eats fish using a large beak; the white stork with a white body but long red legs and a long pointed beak in red; the red-crowned crane, the rare Asian bird symbolizing luck and longevity; the demoiselle crane, the migratory bird in smooth shade of gray; the whopper swan, the large northern hemisphere swan that spends winner in Korea; the Canada goose, the large but graceful wild goose; the Indian spot-billed duck, named because of the red spot at the base of the bill and many more.

Measuring whopping 90 meters in diameter and 30 meters in height, the bird cage including a waterfall in the center is super large in size. Visitors can observe some of the largest living birds, such as storks, geese and other migrating birds freely flying around the cage.

#Red Crowned Crane #Pink-backed Pelican #White Stork #Black Swan #Bean Goose #Canada Goose #Eastern Spot-billed Duck #Demoiselle Crane #White-naped Crane #Swan Goose #Mute Swan

Animal Cage Information

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Large Waterfowl Aviary