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New Stork Village

A meeting place for birds representing global continents

The New Stork Village is home to a wide variety of birds native to Asia, North and South Americas and Africa. Featured birds include: the graceful black-headed ibis; the African sacred ibis, a wading bird smaller than the black-headed ibis; the scarlet ibis sporting the brilliant “scarlet” plumage and a curved slender bill, a wading bird with a distinctive “broad” bill.

The New Stork Village is equipped with a high-tech system that opens and closes the ceiling with a purpose to prevent the spread of avian influenza, and in case of an outbreak, the system blocks contacts with wild birds via bird feces and contamination, thereby safely managing internationally rare and endangered species.

#Stork #Black-headed Ibis #African Sacred Ibis #Scarlet Ibis #Golden-crowned Crane

Animal Cage Information

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New Stork Village